I attached them using pocket holes and pocket screws. I placed the legs at all 4 corners of the MDF then measured how long to cut the aprons. I cut the legs to 15" tall, (this will accommodate for the 3" casters and the 2x4 bottom base). I cut out the square with a circular saw and built a very simple table based off those dimensions. (Make sure to keep the rest of the MDF, that will be used for the extension table)

That square ended up being 22-1/2" wide by 20-3/4" long. I placed the table saw on the bottom right corner of the MDF and marked off with a pencil where to cut out a square for the little table the Saw will actually sit on. I started with a 48" x 30" piece of 3/4" MDF I had. It also ended up being 30" long when the outfeed extension is folded down (again, because that's the size scrap I used to start with) and 60" long when the outfeed is folded up. That being said, it seems like a pretty good width! The width is 48" wide, this is because the scrap piece of MDF I used to start with was 48" wide, no reason beyond that. So if you are taller, consider making it taller! (For reference, standard cabinet saws range from 32" - 36" tall.) This is a great height for me, but I am only 5'4". An outfeed or extension table is one of the most. The overall height of the table ended up being 33-3/4" tall. 1.2K 67K views 3 years ago Creative, easy to make, install, and remove accessory for DW745 DeWalt portable jobsite woodworking table saw.