It rocks! While it certainly was a great replacement for the Nik Collection when it died, Luminar has a LOT of features the Nik Collection doesn’t - plus they are constantly adding new features to Luminar and growing the plug-in’s capabilities very quickly, so it will remain an important tool in my bag of tricks (errrr, I mean my “plug-in arsonal”) right along with the Nik Collection. In case you’re wondering, “Scott, does this mean you’re going to stop using Luminar?” (you were going to ask that, right?), the answer is no - I’ll absolutely keep using Luminar.

Here are the download links (and there is a free 30-day free trial version).

DxO isn’t a charity - their employees need to feed their families, too so I applaud DxO for what they did, and totally understand why they are charging for the update. They didn’t “owe” anybody anything (though I think Google kinda did), so I give big props to DxO, and there is nothing wrong with them charging for the update to recoup their investment (it would have been wrong for Google to do so, but not for a third-party like DxO who basically came to the rescue). Look, they did a great thing - they invested a ton of money in updating mountains of code, across a bunch of plug-ins, and brought a beloved plug-in back to working order for all the folks whose version of Google’s application no longer worked.

This update is $49 (on their site, it looks like it will move up to $69 at some point). Happy Friday, everybody! Just a quick heads up the fine folks at DxO have released an update for the Nik Collection - it’s the same Nik Collection as always (no new features), but now it actually works across all the new Adobe applications (including the most recent Photoshop CC and Lightroom Classic updates), as well as the most recent Mac OS.